
ViVA Care came to Red Label Communications looking for an innovative website. ViVA Care is a state of the art health clinic that offers patients convenient access to a broad spectrum of doctors and health related facilities, including an in-house pharmacy and biomedical laboratory. Red Label needed to create a business tool that would help streamline operations by making commonly sought information easily accessible online.


Red Label Communications created a website designed for two distinct end users: patients and doctors. The website features a contemporary design with lots of whitespace. On the landing page, the visitor indicates whether they are a doctor or patient and are then taken to the appropriate home page. Site navigation is carefully designed to function intuitively, which means information can be found quickly and easily. Links to important information like contact details, clinic tours, and physician schedules are prominently displayed at the bottom of all pages. A crisp, clean appearance and tone is carefully maintained throughout the site to reinforce the idea ViVA Care is a medical institution dedicated to providing patients with superior service and quality health care.


The website was a hit and ViVA Care reported unprecedented positive feedback from both staff and clients. Ultimately the website was a flexible tool that allowed doctors and patients to comprehend the benefits of respectively providing and receiving healthcare services at ViVA Care.

See for yourself, click here to view the site online.